Killzone has finally managed to fire its way into the hands of gamers the beta which launced to PS+ subscribers in the EU this morning which allows the player to try the Multiplayer mode of the game is this finally the shooter that we have been waiting for on the PSVita or is this just another shooter that should rot in the trenches with so many others
Considering this is only in the beta phase of the gameplay the presentation in Killzone Mercenary is nothing short of beautiful while making allowances for the BETA as it is not the finished product the game still has a great look and are very close to the PS3 counter parts of the Killzone Series the scenery is well lit with plenty of action running at a smooth yet comfortable pace while not blurring during turns or large explosions the characters are well presented and is easily seen in nicely presented detail the look of the characters is strong and refreshing to see such high quality detail on a BETA or a handheld device for that matter the map available on the BETA is well presented and feels like the Perfect size for the player slots in game it dosent feel overwhelming and dosent feel like the game is struggling to keep the textures in the game running and smooth
The Gameplay In the BETA of Killzone Mecenary is solid as a rock it feels so much like the home console counterparts in the series that players familier with the series can jump in and get right into the action without having to feel like they are learning a whole new game the game feels like it is being played on a home system probably due to the power of the PSVita and the lay out of the controls some the acuracy is superb and the objectives during the war zone game type available in the BETA are refreshing and fun to play whether it is a simple body count or hacking a terminal while watching your team mates backs leads the player into a game that promotes team work and makes you realize very quickly that attempting to not play as a team is going to end very very badly as you will be acted apon very quickly by the enemy team the game also makes a great point of ensuring the player that there console skills are not going to waste as the controls on the vita minus the extra two shoulder buttons the game plays the exact same with the R Button being used to fire your weapon and the L Button being used to aim down your sights there is a dynamic in the game that is called the Valor card system which you can collect by killing and enemy and running through the cards in the BETA from what i gathered they will help you get challenges that will help you rank up in game aswell as let people know just how good you are at the game the gameplay is certainly solid and gives a good feeling about the single player campaign in the full game when it launches
Due to this being a BETA and giving it the allowances due for this game feels like it is the FPS the Vita has been waiting for the game runs at a smooth pace and dosent make the player work for there fun the game definitly feels like it is going to be a game that shooter fans will play over the internet aswell as on the go and the blood shed never has to stop during the multiplayer with the PSVita's 3G option making it one of the solid games i have played on the Vita in a long time i am more than certain that i will be picking this game up in the near future to review the full game as well i also think this will bring alot of new fans to the Vita and will encourage there current fans to play more of it
Rating out of 10:
fun exciting gameplay keeps the player on there toes and it is a refreshing change of pace to be able to play a multiplayer shooter on the Vita
Thank you for reading my BETA Review i will certainly do more when i can if it is not against the Terms and Conditions set forward by the publishers
This BETA is only Available to Playstation Plus Subscribers