Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Killzone Mercenary BETA Review



Killzone has finally managed to fire its way into the hands of gamers the beta which launced to PS+ subscribers in the EU this morning which allows the player to try the Multiplayer mode of the game is this finally the shooter that we have been waiting for on the PSVita or is this just another shooter that should rot in the trenches with so many others 


Considering this is only in the beta phase of the gameplay the presentation in Killzone Mercenary is nothing short of beautiful while making allowances for the BETA as it is not the finished product the game still has a great look and are very close to the PS3 counter parts of the Killzone Series the scenery is well lit with plenty of action running at a smooth yet comfortable pace while not blurring during turns or large explosions the characters are well presented and is easily seen in nicely presented detail the look of the characters is strong and refreshing to see such high quality detail on a BETA or a handheld device for that matter the map available on the BETA is well presented and feels like the Perfect size for the player slots in game it dosent feel overwhelming and dosent feel like the game is struggling to keep the textures in the game running and smooth 


The Gameplay In the BETA of Killzone Mecenary is solid as a rock it feels so much like the home console counterparts in the series that players familier with the series can jump in and get right into the action without having to feel like they are learning a whole new game the game feels like it is being played on a home system probably due to the power of the PSVita and the lay out of the controls some the acuracy is superb and the objectives during the war zone game type available in the BETA are refreshing and fun to play whether it is a simple body count or hacking a terminal while watching your team mates backs leads the player into a game that promotes team work and makes you realize very quickly that attempting to not play as a team is going to end very very badly as you will be acted apon very quickly by the enemy team the game also makes a great point of ensuring the player that there console skills are not going to waste as the controls on the vita minus the extra two shoulder buttons the game plays the exact same with the R Button being used to fire your weapon and the L Button being used to aim down your sights there is a dynamic in the game that is called the Valor card system which you can collect by killing and enemy and running through the cards in the BETA from what i gathered they will help you get challenges that will help you rank up in game aswell as let people know just how good you are at the game the gameplay is certainly solid and gives a good feeling about the single player campaign in the full game when it launches 


Due to this being a BETA and giving it the allowances due for this game feels like it is the FPS the Vita has been waiting for the game runs at a smooth pace and dosent make the player work for there fun the game definitly feels like it is going to be a game that shooter fans will play over the internet aswell as on the go and the blood shed never has to stop during the multiplayer with the PSVita's 3G option making it one of the solid games i have played on the Vita in a long time i am more than certain  that i will be picking this game up in the near future to review the full game as well i also think this will bring alot of new fans to the Vita and will encourage there current fans to play more of it 

Rating out of 10:

fun exciting gameplay keeps the player on there toes and it is a refreshing change of pace to be able to play a multiplayer shooter on the Vita 

Thank you for reading my BETA Review i will certainly do more when i can if it is not against the Terms and Conditions set forward by the publishers 

This BETA is only Available to Playstation Plus Subscribers 

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Dark Souls Review

Dark Souls Review:


Dark Souls the name that brings Fear and Despair to gamers at the thought of playing this game the spiritual successor to Demon's Souls exclusively for the PS3 this spiritual successor decided to bring the pain and frustration to players across the PS3 and the Xbox 360 and later to the PC known for its punishing difficulty level to put the player through there paces like never seen on a console for many years but is this game worth the punishment and loud screams of profanity or is this one journey that is just not worth the punishment 


Dark Souls has a fairly vague story and not one that is instantly apparent to all the players the only thing that is set in stone is that the game tells you of the bonfires and the Lords that rule over the land leading to Lord Gwyn of Cinder the game is set on the premise that you are to link the bonfires bringing light to the world forever it is a vague story but one that keeps the player running through many times making the story come together the game dose drop subtle hints to the player of the story going much much deeper to places that i wont spoil but it is unusual and a refreshing change of pace that the story is left for the player to explore and find out through exploration and playing through multiple times to find the deepest depths of the story and making your Undead the one that has saved the world and understood the entirety of the story 


The gameplay in Dark Souls is deep and punishing with a great emphasis on defense and customization with hundreds and hundreds of customization options upgrade able weapons armor and rings with enough to keep the player searching for the best of the best the combat is tactical and fluid making the player think on there feet when taking down even the simplest looking of enemies with the punishing difficulty making even the tiniest of enemies a pain for the player to hit and deal with with a stunning array of enemies to fight off from undead soldiers to skeletons to giant dragons with hoards of teeth the game keeps the players on there toes with a parry system that can be used on certain enemies but not all ranged combat with ether a bow and arrow or magic given the right upgrades to your characters stats only adding to the difficulty level is the currency in the game known as souls but i hear you ask how can this add to the difficulty level well here is your answer the game makes you choose you can buy that armor you want or you can level up since the currency is used on both your items or your stats making the player really think about there options before they make them giving the player a breath of fresh air of full 100% control of how there character is going to turn out by the end of the game the movement and camera are a little sluggish and during a fight with a large enemy or with a hoard of enemies it can cost you a life bar you may also need to take note that bathroom breaks or food breaks must be done while resting at a bonfire as in Dark Souls same as in Demon's Souls there is no pause button and no way to keep enemies at bay other than being at a bonfire which resets and brings all enemies back to life while punishing the gameplay is nothing short of rewarding experience 


The design in Dark Souls from the Undead Asylum to the Bright City of Anor Londo is stunning with great visuals that look and feel like you have stepped into a world where its inhabitants have  lived in fear and squallar the environments while stunning do suffer from some chalky textures and some very subtle frame rate lags and some fuzzy outer edges the game dose suffer to close inspection but other wise the game still looks stunning with environments that make you feel fear and feel the darkness creeping in on them while it suffers its not enough to make any player look for the flaws it still has enough pros to keep the player looking at the stunning skyline large castles or horrific enemies that are about to try and take your life 


Good News there is a Multi-player mode in Dark Souls while you may not notice right away because there are no lobbies or anything the multiplayer works on a new premise in Dark Souls you will be Invaded by other players who choose to invade your world or you can invade there world it can be set up mutually between players to have a dual but this must be done between friends to challenge the battles will take place Mid game and there is no way to avoid it other than not having your xbox or ps3 connected to the internet while frustrating there are rules to this factor there are ways to stop it by getting certain items mid game that will keep the player under raps and as well as needing a specific item to invade worlds in the first place making the multiplayer exciting and dynamic as well as extremely unique as multiplayers go it is a great experience and is unlimited to the amount of players that can participate in a battle making for some great times to be had in the middle of this unforgiving world 


Dark Souls is a punishing game that keeps the player thinking and on there toes while unforgiving and can lead to extreme profanity its worth the trouble if your sick of games you can blast through in a single sitting with a deep realm to explore with tons of items and upgrades to be done the game is a refreshing change of pace that is worth a look at least once and if your looking for that next great challenge then this is the game you have been yearning for with a story that will keep you playing through all the new game + levels it is worth taking a look through Dark Souls and feeling like you have played a game that has tested your metal 

Rating Out Of 10:

Stunning Hardcore game that will test the meaning of gamer although it dose suffer from some mild issues that are easy to ignore  

Saturday, 3 August 2013

PS3 Repair Guide


Hello welcome to this little guide on how to repair your Fat PS3 40gb, 60gb,80gb a common problem with these versions of the ps3 is that the console's disk tray would often stop reading disks or would take disks and not spit them back out when you push eject well today i will tell you how to repair your console unfortunitly i cannot provide images to show you how to do this nor can i provide a video but i will explain how to do it as thorough as i can if you have any questions please comment


Tool Index:

1x T8 screw driver
1x Phillips Head Screw Driver (preferably magnetic)
1x Small tipped Phillips Head Screw Driver
1x Knife non serrated
1x new Disk tray for FAT PS3

Step 1: Removing the outer case

to remove the case you will need a T8 screw driver and a knife first use your Knife and remove the top sticker on the left side of the system (based on the console lying flat) remove this sticker and you will see a rubber stopper remove the rubber stopper then take your T8 screw driver and put it in the hole you will feel a screw remove this screw and place to one side after removing this screw slide the top of the console to the left (based on the disk tray and power button /eject button facing you ) once this is removed you will see some screws take your philips head screw driver and remove them make sure not to miss any of them once you have removed the screws comes the tricky part turn the console to have the back of the system facing you to the left side you will see a small opening push your finger into this opening and you will release a clip lift the case from there and run your finger along the back of the console pushing up you will hear a loud click do not fear you have not broken anything push up and lift off.

Step 2: Removing Disk Tray Number one

To remove the disk tray you do not need any tools just your hands First turn the console so you are facing the side with the USB ports and lift the drive on the Right do not lift to quickly first take out the wire connected at the front to the board simply pull at the base till it releases Secondly  you will see another wire that looks paper thin attached to the drive and the mother board remove this from the base of the system on the bottom you will see a little black clip run your thumb nail carefully underneath it and lift to unclip once uncliped you can safely pull the drive away from the system and place to one side

Step 3: Removing the Green Board

Ok this part is a little tricky on your removed disk tray you will see a green board on the bottom of it with your Small Tipped Philips Head Screw Driver remove the 5 small screws once you have done this unclip al the wires that you see very carefully pull down and tip to the left side you will see a small wire connected to the board with a yellow tip very very carefully pull this connection out this takes patience and care not to snap ether the wires or the connection to the board once you have removed this place to one side if your new Disk Tray has a green board aswell remove it as it will not allow you to play games with it if you dont same steps to do this

Step 4: Attaching your new board to the Disk Tray

To Attach your new board first attach the yellow chord this takes some patience as it is a little fiddly to get it to line up push very carefully to get it to click in after you connect this cable slide the board into place and make sure its flush to the board by making sure the black grips on the bottom left and right are both through the holes and begin to put your screws back in make sure that they are all tight as this will become a problem in the future after you have done this reattach all the cables aswell as the long cable that connects the drive to the console make sure all are clipped in and are connected properly then set to one side for the moment

Step 5: Attaching your new Disk Tray to your PS3 

Once you have Reconnected your wires to the drive now comes the task of installing the new drive to the system itself once to do this you simply take the long strip like cable and reattach it to the system by slipping it in and reclipping it down to the system once you have done this take the white tipped cable and clip it back into the system into the connector you took it out of if your white tipped wire is long remember and reclip it under the little black clip attached to the front of the system near the power and eject board once you have done this make sure everything is aligned to the holes underneath it and move onto step 6

Step 6: Replacing your case to the system 

Now you need to reattach your case this is simple yet a pain first turn the console so you are facing the back take your case and you will see that under the Power button and under there you will see some thin clips place these down so that when you lay it down they will clip under so it dosent fly up randomly once you have done this lay it flat to the system it may not clip down flush first clip it down as flush as possible and begin to put your screws back in remember where the smaller screws came from once you have put these back in a small clip may have come out this needs to be placed back in as this holds the screw that keeps the top case on once you have screwed everything down slide the top case back into place place on and push to the right (based on the disk tray facing you) once you have done this and place the tork screw back into the hole and push the rubber stopper back into the hole

Step 7 : TEST

once you have placed everything back and put your case back on now comes the test for the system now you use plug your ps3 into the TV and plug it in turn the system on and take any disk and place it into the disk tray now if all has been done correctly your game should play without a problem now test for an eject if the game comes out no problem then CONGRATULATIONS!! you have successfully repaired your PS3 without shelling out for a repair center

Thank you for reading my Repair guide for your Playstation 3 with a read error or non responsive disk tray i hope that it helped you get back to your favorite PS3 game's i will say again this will void your warrenty but then again if you are looking at an 40gb,60g or an 80gb ps3 then you may have bought it second hand or off the internet in which case the warrenty is long out anyway but still i am required to say that repairing your own systems is a void of the warrenty placed by sony on all there systems

thank you for reading and happy gaming

please tell me in the comments section if this guide was helpful as it was my first i would be interested in knowing how successful it is thanks again