Friday, 9 November 2012


hello  Welcome to Gamer for Gamer review Space
i am a gamer and have been for a long time and i have quite a thourough collection of video games including Nes , Snes , Mega Drive , Game Cube , Sega Dreamcast , Sony Playstation 1,2 and 3 and a super slim ps3 500gb , Microsoft Xbox Microsoft Xbox 360 , PSP, PSVita , Gameboy Colour , Gameboy Advance

what i aim to do with this blog is provide you reviews on consoles games and apps i will also provide news on games when it becomes available i may do give away's but it wont be anything big probably just Psn credit and Microsoft points and possibly wii and wii u points when i know i will post about it

little introduction about myself just so people get a brief idea that i havent just come into gaming in the past few years when the hype has kicked off when everyone thinks they are gamers because the have an xbox or a ps3 i grew up gaming much as most of you would have playing the classics on atari and nintendo and have been gaming since i was around 3 years old it gamers as a community know there own and are normally up for spirited debates as most of you will know and incase any of you are up for a debate i will most likely post debate posts and would love to see what you all think about the questions

i will do current generation reviews and retro game reviews i will also do system reviews as they become available to me if you have any requests for a specific game review then i will try my best to provide it
i will also be providing tutorial videos for some emulators and burning your own dreamcast games

(piracy is illegal i am not responsible for your actions nor am i promoting the sale of pirated games or emulator games)

i will also provide parent reviews in order to help parents to understand and know what your children are asking for when they are asking for video games i will also provide you hints and tips so that you are not out of the loop when your sons/daughters are playing or talking about games to you again if you have any questions please feel free to send them in i will reply as fast as i can

thank you for reading my introduction and welcome to Gamer for Gamer Review Space

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